Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School. Never Easy.

I am not one of those people that wait until the last minute for anything, however no matter how hard we try, or how prepared we are the first day of school is aways stress. In years gone by I have helped prepare our daughters and had them ready and out the door on time. After the first few years it became some what routine to accomplish this. Today it was getting my seven year old grandson, Jayden, prepared and off to second grade. Last month Pat and I got all of his school supplies and clothes bought and stored for the big day. Last week Pat and Nicole attended, meet your teacher night and safely placed his supplies in Jayden's new classroom. Last night we packed the paperwork, remaining supplies, laid out clothes and were completely ready. This morning was  approached with military precision and out the door Jayden and I went. The walk to his school takes about two minutes and we left a full thirty minutes ahead of time. As we approached the school Jayden announced he had, "No idea what he was supposed to do!" I showed no outward emotion, but inside I was saying "Shit, neither do I." I quickly pulled it together as we got beside the school. He only wanted me to walk him to the bike rack and then turn and go home. When we arrived at the "jump off " point I asked if he was O.K. Then he spotted some classmates. My apprehension was somewhat relieved, so I let him go and went home. The luck part for me was, number one, he wore a bright, yellow, Shawn White shirt. The second is I can look out the back of our house and see the school. I spotted him right away, and was able to keep an eye on him as the teachers moved them along the way to their rooms. He will never know, how his paranoid Grandfather watched him. I am sure the moment he saw his friend his apprehension disappeared, mine lasted for a while longer. I guess releasing our children to others never gets easy.


  1. I know! I had a pit in stomach this morning as my 4 year old went to her first day of VPK. Even though I knew what to do I can admit I was nervous for her. I just picked her up a hour ago and she greeted me smiling she had such a great day!!!

  2. It doesnt get easier, doesn't matter how long a time we do this for. Grandparents tend to worry with experience. Parents worry with emotion. August is the time!
