Monday, January 30, 2012

Remembering When!

Yesterday I was talking to a couple of friends that shares something with me, age. We were talking about some of the things from earlier days, when we were younger, that are no longer in existence. Here are a couple to get us started.

Rotary dial phones. You had to place your finger in the hole and spin the dial as you placed a call. The dial would return to the original position and we would repeat the process until the number was done. That is the reason, mature adults, have a callous on our index finger. Today we have cordless phones that we push one button and it connects you with your party any where in the world. We also have cell phones that we talk to, or swear at depending upon your reception or how difficult it is to use.

I am going to pick two items on days I write about remembering. My second is the remote control. One thing I have never understood about remotes are how did this become a male symbol? I know that I do embrace mine, lovingly, every time my butt hits the Laz-Y-Boy, but how did we get the honor of holding it? Is it just the women allowing us this pleasure, so that for a brief moment in time we feel in control. If this is the case, men, don't believe it, because we all know the real power is in the hands of the women of this world. When I was little my parents had their version of a remote control. It was, Johnnie, go change the channel. Luckily we only had two or three channels to pick from, or I might have spent a good deal of my youth standing beside the TV, channel surfing for them.

This is my beginning list and I invite you to add to it. Mine is rather extensive as I approach the age of sixty. My younger readers may have a limited list and my older readers may have a list that dwarfs mine. So let me know what yours are.

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