Thursday, December 22, 2011

I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas! Thanks Mom For A Lifelong Memory!

Not really, I just wanted to get your attention. I have said for years that if I lived somewhere that it would start to snow on Christmas Eve and continue through Christmas Day and then melt away that night it would be perfect. Living in Florida for twenty five years, I am certain of one thing year after year, it will not be a white Christmas.

I do have a story of one Christmas Eve when it did snow and very heavily. I grew up in Butler, Pennsylvania, so the prospect of snow on this night was very good. We always had Egg Nog (non alcoholic) for the holidays and we didn't have enough for the night. I was only sixteen and did not have a drivers license, so my Mother asked me to ride with her to the only small store that was open in Butler, Jack McCain's. It was snowing quite hard and several inches already covered the streets of our town. It truly was a winter wonderland. The tree branches bent gracefully under the weight of the wet, white mantle that engulfed them. Power lines swayed and the wind whistled through the valley town. Mom drove the couple of miles, slowly and, thankfully we did not encounter many others foolhardy enough to venture out.
When we arrived, the parking lot was completely empty. Entering the small market. the only person there was, Jack McCain himself. I think we surprised him. "Ginny, why in God's name would you be out on a night like this?"  To which my mother replied, "Jack, why would you be open on a night such as this? We ran out of Egg Nog, Do you have any?" Spying the liquid gold that began our quest, we made our purchase and quickly went back out the door. The drive home was just as deliberate, but I do remember the magnificent scenery as we push forward.

The image of that snowy Christmas Eve some forty plus years ago is as bright and strong, as if the story played out yesterday. It was not very eventful, but it has, become, one of my fondest memories. The next day we were all greeted by the most remarkable Christmas morning ever. The sights we marvelled at as we stared out the window was more then a match for Bing Crosby's wonderful rendition of, "White Christmas", but my favorite part was that harrowing, but beautiful drive with my Mom the night before.

I will be taking the next couple of days off to spend some time and celebrate Christmas with my family. Try and remember a time that makes you smile and remind yourselves of the true magic of the season. Love, and the people you share it with. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays to all.

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